

• Conceptualized and executed diverse marketing campaigns targeting consumers through GDN ad sets, motion graphics, video edits, and social media ad sets, resulting in increased brand visibility and engagement.

• Designed internal swag, event branding, email templates, and landing pages to effectively communicate company messaging and enhance brand recognition.

• Took the lead in driving motion graphics initiatives within the company, overseeing the creation of engaging visual content to support marketing efforts and elevate brand presence.

Creative Direction: Sarah Struck

State of Automation Campaign

The 'State of Automation' campaign was initiated to provide a visual depiction of the prevailing landscape within the automation industry. As part of this campaign, I was responsible for the creation of various campaign components, which encompassed email headers, ebook cover design, organic social assets, and a dynamic animated paid social asset. The overarching design concept drew inspiration from the intricate workings of a Rube Goldberg machine, wherein each automation step facilitated the next, progressively simplifying tasks and processes.

Integration Monetization Ebook

This Ebook was to help guide customers as well as other industry professionals on how automation and integrations are changing the industry. I designed out an: Ebook Cover, Blog Header, Organic and Paid Social assets.

The Integration ROI Bundle

This project was focused on marketing our product towards potential clients, specifically how monetization and integrations can help save money. I designed multiple assets such as: Blog Header, Animated Email header, and Paid & Organic Social. The challenge for this project was showcasing three different design elements that would be available as a download.

Blog Headers

Blog Headers are an integral part to telling the automation story at Tray. I designed a variety linked to various automation topics for the website. These are examples covering topics such as: connectivity, growth, and building.

Motion Graphics

I have designed various animated assets while at This is a small sample of those assets.



